Help Videos
All4Feet Manager Quick Start
Take a short tour of the All4Feet management system.
All4Feet App Quick Start
Take a look at the quick scoring method in All4Feet.
Browse the videos below to learn more about different features of All4Feet and how to use them.
All4Feet Online Manager
Dashboard Overview
Take a tour of the Farmer Dashboard and see all it has to offer.
Adding a new farm
See how to add a new farm to the All4Feet managing system.
Setup personalised farm comments
Learn how to setup personalised comments per farm on the All4Feet system.
Manage multiple trimmer companies
Have a look at how you can manage multiple users and grant them access to the All4Feet system.
How to set and reset your password
Learn how to update your All4Feet account password.
Managing subscriptions
Learn how to manage your subscription to All4Feet.
How does All4Cows work with All4Feet?
See how the All4Cows app integrates with the All4Feet management system.
Setting up EID & RFID reader
Setup the EID and RFID readers, upload data to the system and manage.
Setup access to reports
Watch to see how to set up a new user account and manage what reports that user can view.
All4Feet Hoof Trimming App
Quick Setup Guide
Getting started with the All4Feet app.
Tablet Requirements
What type of tablet do you need to trial out the All4 apps.
All4Feet quick guide to scoring and history
Take a quick tour of the All4Feet system and some of its standout features.
Personalise your scoring setup
Set up the scoring system how you want to use it, giving you the exact data you require.
Identify Diseases with ICAR
Easily identify what the diseases are with the ICAR website.
How to use the Routine Planner
Learn how to use the routine planner function within All4Feet.
Scoring failed to upload
Scoring not uploading? Learn how to fix it in the above video.
Manual version update